list of classical problems

1789    Huffman´s Greed GREEDULM 86 45.97
1790    Binary Search Heap Construction HEAPULM 316 22.94
1793    Text Generater II GEN2 55 30.43
1794    Greedy Hydra II DRAGON2 70 18.44
1797    Cardsharper CARD 7 29.73
1798    Assistance Required ASSIST 2342 45.23
1799    The Bottom of a Graph BOTTOM 1719 32.42
1800    Fixed Partition Contest Management CONTEST 59 36.64
1801    Drink, on Ice DRINK 518 43.00
1802    Edge EDGE 416 59.65
1803    Fold FOLD 57 41.94
1804    Genetic Code GENETIC 262 47.35
1805    Largest Rectangle in a Histogram HISTOGRA 8127 27.69
1810    Nuclear Plants ORZ 21 14.09
1811    Longest Common Substring LCS 3104 21.39
1812    Longest Common Substring II LCS2 1839 17.76
1825    Free tour II FTOUR2 536 14.11
1833    Sudoku SUDOKU2 48 32.02
1835    The SetStack Computer SETSTACK 154 27.62
1837    Pie PIE 3841 30.29
1838    Ticket to Ride TICKET 79 39.69
1839    The Bookcase BOOKCASE 122 36.09
1840    Printer Queue PQUEUE 2869 47.55
1841    Prime Path PPATH 10407 57.94
1842    Lineland Airport LINELAND 32 18.87
1843    Leonardo Notebook LEONARDO 359 33.99
1845    Mice and Maze MICEMAZE 5404 36.02
1846    Project File Dependencies PFDEP 2139 41.04
1847    No Change NOCHANGE 1672 36.22
1865    Making Waves MKWAVES 187 43.26
1866    Making Pals MKPALS 201 43.68
1868    Making Money MKMONEY 793 36.62
1869    Making Mountains Out Of Molehills MKMOOM 14 15.93
1870    Making Labels MKLABELS 1685 59.47
1871    Making A Budget MKBUDGET 867 48.48
1873    Accumulate Cargo ACARGO 87 26.25
1874    Burrows Wheeler Precompression BWHEELER 421 33.97
1875    Cool Numbers COOLNUMS 164 30.38
1876    Dragon Curves DRAGONCU 174 50.12
1877    Enrich my purse EPURSE 152 27.14
1878    Farmers Cattle FCATTLE 57 37.62
1879    Game Time GAMETIME 101 22.59
1880    Hanoi Calls HANOICAL 203 55.14
1881    Instruction Decoder ICODER 664 50.71
1960    Rectangles RECTANGL 163 16.38
1961    Roman Roads ROMANRDS 97 30.58
1962    Circles CIRCLES 56 18.68
1963    Image Projections IMGPROJ 103 32.20
1964    Tree cut MMCUT 146 37.95
1965    Set Cover SETCOV 25 12.42
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